Workshop Program (Dec. 1, 17:30-20:00, Beijing Time, Room 10)

1st Dec. 17:30 - 17:35
Welcome from the organizers.
Prof. Raju Vatsavai (NCSU) and Dr. Chris Symons (Lirio)
1st Dec. 17:35-18:50 Technical Session (Session Chairs: Dr. Chris Symons (Lirio) and Prof. Yuxuan Liang (HKUST at Guangzhou))
17:35-18:00 Rachel Harrison, Anton Dereventsov, and Anton Bibin.
"Zero-Shot Recommendations with Pre-Trained Large Language Models for Multimodal Nudging"
18:00-18:25 Junfeng Liu, Zhuocheng Mei, Kewen Peng, and Ranga Raju Vatsavai.
"Context Retrieval via Normalized Contextual Latent Interaction for Conversational Agent"
18:25-18:50 Andrew Starnes and Anton Dereventsov.
"Increasing Entropy to Boost Policy Gradient Performance on Personalization Tasks"
18:50-19:30 Keynote Talk
Session Chair: Dr. Chris Symons
19:30- Closing Remarks.
Prof. Raju Vatsavai and Dr. Chris Symons